DD Reptiles

Reach Your Hand To Welfare Abandoned Animals Out There



DD Reptiles is devoted to ensuring that no healthy animals are killed and that sick and injured animals receive the care they deserve. The objective of any animal rescue organization is to guarantee that those who do not have a voice are heard. It will benefit animals.



We provide veterinary care that is preventive in nature. General wellness examinations, immunizations, dental, general soft tissue surgery, sickness & injury treatment, spay and neuter surgeries, and end-of-life care are all included.



DD Reptiles's mission is to assist students in achieving their academic goals by embracing homeless animals and utilizing the human-animal link. The virtual curriculum emphasizes student engagement in the context of animal rescue.


We're The World's Most Trusted Animal Rescue

DD Reptiles does not receive any support from the federal, state, or municipal governments and is entirely reliant on the generosity of individuals like you. You may assist an animal in need become a beloved family member by contributing, volunteering, or adopting. Please think about how you may open your heart to the pets we rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome while you browse our site.

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Successful Rescue

Animal Abandoned

Animal Abandoned

Animal House

Animal House

Animal Care

Animal Care


Why Chose Us

We Accept All Kinds Of Abandoned Animals You Find


Successful Rescue


Expert Volunteer

“Until one has loved an animal a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.”

Anatole France


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Let's Care For Each Other

Contact Us If You Find Abandoned Animals